Microhabitat Program Resource Center
An open access resource for new and emerging microhabitat programs
Microhabitat Program
Resource Center
An open access resource for new and emerging microhabitat programs
With the microhabitat movement at a relatively early stage, new lines of inquiry are constantly emerging, as are useful research- and experience-based findings. But field practitioners may often be too busy to stay current with new developments. Enter podcasts – a way to stay attuned to important research, debates, perspectives, events and opportunities, while on the go. Our list features podcasts whose hosts use a unique lens to explore the topics of native plants, ecological landscaping and the natural world, with relevance to microhabitat programs and ecological restoration in human-dominated areas. Each of these podcasts can be found on your favorite podcast app.
Disclaimer: Please note that the content of the numerous individual podcast episodes reflect the views of the podcast hosts and guests. We have not vetted each one, and nor does every episode always match our views and opinions at Village and Wilderness (in fact our views on specific topics may differ widely at times). As a whole, however, we hope these podcasts provide new insights and food for thought.

Backyard Ecology: This podcast focuses on the ecology of yards as habitat. According to host Shannon Trimboli in her introduction, “Nature isn’t just “out there.” It’s all around us, including right outside our doors.” “Join us,” she continues, “as we ignite our curiosity and natural wonder, explore our yards and communities, and improve our local pollinator and wildlife habitat.” Trimboli, who is based in Kentucky, interviews experts—from wildlife biologists to landscape professionals—on topics such as land snails in the local food web to research-based advice on the optimal placement of milkweeds in Monarch waystations. This podcast is updated bi-monthly, and has a 4.9/5 rating on Apple podcasts. It has an accompanying blog, website and Youtube channel.

Completely Arbortrary: Broadcasting out of Portland, OR, master arborist and environmental educator Casey Clapp and his friend Alex Crowson connect their listeners—”Fungal Associates”—to everything one might want to know about trees. While the banter between Crowson and Clapp is lighthearted, everyone from experts to novices will come away from an episode with a deeper knowledge about the history, ecology, etymology, and cultural practices related to an individual tree species, most native to North America. This podcast is updated weekly and has an average rating of 4.9/5 on Apple podcasts.

Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History and the Human Impulse to Garden: In its own words, “Through thoughtful conversations with growers, gardeners, naturalists, scientists, artists and thinkers, Cultivating Place illustrates the many ways in which gardens and gardening are integral to our natural and cultural literacy – on par with Art, Science, Literature, Music, Religion.” Author and host Jennifer Jewell, based in California, co-produces this radio program and podcast with North State Public Radio. The discussions are cerebral, sometimes even spiritual, with practical implications for the microhabitat movement. Episodes are posted weekly and the podcast is rated 4.7/5 on Apple podcasts.

Go Native: The Business of Native Plants: This is a podcast hosted by the Florida-based Native Plant Horticulture Foundation, an organization aiming to expand the use of native plants in designed landscapes and restoration work. Through interviews with seasoned professionals, the podcast provides inspiration and practical support and advice for those seeking to establish successful careers related to native plants – particularly native plant nursery retailers and wholesalers, designers and landscape professionals. The podcast is updated monthly and has a 5/5 rating on Apple podcasts.

Growing Greener: A partnership between horticulturist Tom Christopher and the Berkshire Botanical Garden based in Massachusetts, this podcast is focused on the environmental aspects of creating attractive and sustainable landscapes, with a particular focus on ecosystem function. Christopher, the host, asks practical and probing questions of his numerous guests, who may be research scientists or seasoned landscape designers. New episodes are released weekly, and the podcast has a rating of 4.8/5 on Apple podcasts.

Native Plants, Healthy Planets: Industry insiders Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick from Pinelands Nursery in New Jersey, are the hosts of this popular podcast. They discuss the business of native plants, as well as interview notable personalities in restoration, conservation and ecology. Interview episodes are interspersed with more playful episodes featuring contests between Chismar and Knesick, but all with a view to increasing awareness, advocacy and knowledge around native plants and ecological landscaping. The podcast is updated weekly, has a 4.9/5 rating on Apple Podcasts, and includes a lively Facebook community. The podcast also has an offshoot, A Native Plant Every Day with Tom and Fran, which is focused on increasing literacy around native plants of the American northeast.

The Native Plant Podcast: This podcast is, in its own words, “designed for gardeners and landscapers who want to learn more about native plants in the landscape.” The hosts, based in North Carolina, interview noted horticulturalists and educators from across the country on design and cultural practices. The podcast is updated frequently, has a 4.5/5 rating on Apple podcasts and has an associated Facebook community.