We help community-based organizations invent, share and grow replicable, climate adaptation solutions. 

Climate mitigation is global, but climate adaptation is local

No two communities are alike – ecologically, socially or economically. What works for one may not work for another, but by compiling a full spectrum of solutions, each community can select the practices that work best for them – or, invent new ones to share.

We work with community-based nonprofits and local leaders

We offer information, access to resources and pro bono service to land trusts, social entrepreneurs, tribes, neighborhood initiatives, regional planners, academics, private-public partnerships, local government agencies, farming and fishing associations,  communities of faith and more.

Our Flagship Project: The Microhabitat Program Incubator

A gathering place and central resource for established and emerging microhabitat programs to share ideas, lessons and expertise.

What's New:

Microhabitats as Plant Refugia
Read a new opinion piece, authored by Tom Chase, Founder and Executive Director of Village and Wilderness.

We help community-based organizations invent, share and grow replicable, climate adaptation solutions. 

Climate mitigation is global, but climate adaptation is local

No two communities are alike – ecologically, socially or economically. What works for one may not work for another, but by compiling a full spectrum of solutions, each community can select the practices that work best for them – or, invent new ones to share.

We work with community-based nonprofits and local leaders

We offer information, access to resources and pro bono service to land trusts, social entrepreneurs, tribes, neighborhood initiatives, regional planners, academics, private-public partnerships, local government agencies, farming and fishing associations,  communities of faith and more.

Our Flagship Project: The Microhabitat Program Incubator

A gathering place and central resource for established and emerging microhabitat programs to share ideas, lessons and expertise.

What's New:

How Columbia Land Trust and Bird Alliance of Oregon are diversifying their backyard habitat program
A recent Village and Wilderness article featured by the Land Trust Alliance.